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  • Writer's pictureJoseph Truskowski

"Revitalize Your Lawn: Essential Spring Lawn Care Tips"

Updated: Apr 12

Spring is the perfect time to rejuvenate your lawn after the long winter months. As the days grow warmer and longer, your grass awakens from dormancy and is ready for a little TLC. Here's how you can ensure a lush, healthy lawn that's the envy of the neighborhood.

1. Raking and De-thatching: Begin the season with a thorough raking. This process removes thatch – a layer of dead grass and debris – which, if too thick, can impede water and nutrient penetration.

2. Soil Testing and pH Adjustment: Testing your soil is crucial to understand its nutrient composition and pH level. Lawns typically thrive in slightly acidic to neutral soil (pH 6-7). If necessary, amend your soil to reach the optimal pH.

3. Aeration: Aeration involves perforating the soil with small holes to allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots. This helps the roots grow deeply, producing a stronger, more vigorous lawn.

4. Over-seeding: If your lawn is looking sparse, over-seeding can help rejuvenate it. Choose a seed that matches your current lawn type for a uniform look. Spring’s mild temperatures and occasional rainfalls make it the ideal time for over-seeding.

5. Fertilization: Spring is a key time to fertilize your lawn to help it grow thick and lush. Use a slow-release nitrogen fertilizer to feed your lawn gradually.

6. Weed Control: Apply pre-emergent weed control to prevent weeds from taking over your lawn. Remember, healthy, dense grass is the best weed deterrent.

7. Regular Mowing: Start regular mowing as soon as your lawn needs it. Remember to cut only the top third of the grass blade, as cutting too short can stress the grass.

8. Watering: As the weather warms up, your lawn will need more water. Aim for about one inch per week, either from rainfall or watering, to encourage deep root growth.

By following these spring lawn care tips, you'll set your lawn up for success throughout the growing season. Remember, a healthy lawn not only enhances curb appeal but also provides a great space for outdoor activities.

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